
Tuesday 16 July 2019

Benedict Cumberbach on Being Alan Turing

This is wonderful! To see why, watch this video, ...

... and then read this post I wrote before I even knew Cumberbach had made this film:  What is the Sixth Estate?

Around the centary of Turing's birth, June 2012, I spent a few months thinking about computability, the results of which I wrote in this essay On Denotational Inconsistency. Part of what prompted that was the trip, six months or so before I left for Bolivia in 2009, which somebody at the Computer Lab organised, to Bletchley Park. It was a bit weird, because in the decade I spent at the Computer Lab there had never been a "school trip", which was what this was. I suspect it was organised by Women@CL and, well I was 42 years old, ... The thing that struck me most forcefully about that visit was the Bombe seemed terribly slow. I had always imagined it running at about ten times that speed.

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