
Wednesday 19 June 2019

Ukrainian Government Failed to Close Airspace in Face of Known SAM Threat

This is the sort of chaos that results from a massive failure of communications security. See A Story About Cyber Security and Spying. The attack on Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 was in July 2014.

This investigation is reminiscent of the OPCW investigation into Syrian government use of chemical weapons in Douma, which was also carried out in Holland:

Dr Mahathir said Malaysia accepted the investigation report by Holland but only up the point where the plane was brought down by a missile made by Russia.
He said while the government agreed that the plane was brought down by a Russian missile, it could not be ascertained that the missile was launched by Russia.
The Prime Minister said Malaysia should also have been involved in the examining the black box as the plane belonged to Malaysia and there were Malaysians passengers.
"We don’t know why we were excluded from the examination but from the very beginning, we see too much politics in it, and the idea was not to find out how this happened but seemed to be concentrated on trying to pin it on the Russians.
"This is not a neutral kind of examination,” said Dr Mahathir.
Had a neutral party examined and made the conclusion, Malaysia would be willing to accept the findings but here we have parties with political interests in the matter, he added.
Putin was asked by a BBC reporter if it was not time Russia admitted its guilt.

Russian investigators were not part of the team, but Ukrainian investigators were. Then when awkward questions about the possibility of Ukrainian involvement, these were not shown on Ukrainian TV.

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