Tuesday 4 June 2019

Thirty Year Legacy of Tiannanmen Square Massacre

Because it raises serious questions about the legitimacy of the ruling Chinese Communist Party, the government in China, thirty years later, still cannot permit open debate about what actually happened. But this is not unique to China. Four hundred and one years before Tiannanmen Square, the "Glorious Revolution" in England established a covert ruling power that is still evident today in the presence of the Dutch King at the Bilderberg meetings. And it was this same covert power which was behind the establishment of Hong Kong as a haven of free speech and economic enterprise. See Martin Lee on Democracy in China and Jack Ma's Tyranny

And indeed it was from the seat of this illegitimate power that democracy grew in England in  the first place. See from 4 mins 56 in this film

From 12 mins 30 to 16 mins 56 secs, you will hear about the "Glorious Revolution" and its effect on Democracy in Britain. George Galloway sounds quite cheerful in this piece! 😂

And for Trump? Dinner served on silver platters dating back to the reign of George IV. I'm off to beg for dog food. Bye bye.

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