Sunday 2 June 2019

Russian Communities Restoring Ancient Churches

It may not seem, at first sight, to be about money, but restoring historic buildings has real, tangible economic benefits. And not just in terms of income generated by visitors who come to look at them. A city with a population who feel that they each personally belong to their shared cultural heritage will be able to collectively make better decisions about their future than one in which everybody is an outsider, and living there solely because it is the best place to be for their own personal interests. And the result of a population making better collective decisions about their future is a better future. And this seems to be a characteristic of Russian Orthodox Christianity.

So the best way to deal with unemployment in a region is to make capital available to community projects like this; ones which will provide people with meaningful, enjoyable employment, doing something that will make their city a better place to live afterwards, and also a  place less likely to suffer from unemployment in future.

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