
Monday 10 June 2019

Mountbatten and Nehru in India in 1963

See History of Burmah Oil for the relevance of this. I would very much enjoy seeing the whole of the 1969 Thames TV documentary.

For some months in 1986, I think, I rented a room in the house I was living in in Cambridge to Dr D. Ram Babu, a research scientist from Assam Oil Company, who was doing some work at Schlumberger Cambridge Research. Before he left he gave me a copy of a book "Mountbatten and the Partition of India" which, I am ashamed to say, I never got around to reading. Now that I have some of the background, I think I would enjoy that book. The Assam Oil Company was bought by Burmah Oil Company in 1921.

Here's some mysterious footage claimed to be of Lord and Lady Mountbatten in Burmah in 1944. I once read somewhere that, during the Second World War the Standard Oil Company lost access to all of their oil wells in Burmah. That must have made for some "interesting logistical problems" conducting the war in the Pacific.

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