Saturday 1 June 2019

Help Please

I have still not received any reply to this, except a phone call from Jill Benton, Vice Consul at the British Embassy in La Paz, who had seen it, and asked me if I wanted to visit her on my way to the Russians. Er, thanks Jeremy, but no thanks!

See this post, and also this one. I do need help. I am  starving. I can't figure out what the problem is if nobody talks to me. If it's that someone has said "If you help him, we will kill him" Then let them kill me. I'm not essential to this operation anymore. And if they said "If you help then we'll kill you" then help me, and let them kill you. As far as I can  see, they've already killed hundreds of thousands of people like that. But I don't think they would dare kill you in front of me. And who the fuck would want to live in that kind of world anyway?

So when I  tried to edit this page, lo! A whole new kind of error!

So you can divert my "sensitive" posts, can you, shit-nose? Go fuck yourself instead you useless cunt!

Now that's what I call entertainment!

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