
Saturday 1 June 2019

Heinz Buttkissinger

Kiss your own fat ass goodbye, motherfucker!

  • Buenos Aires Police Chief told CIA "he wanted no prisoners for interrogation, only cadavers"
  • Junta leader General Rafael Videla sought to hide mass murder to protect Argentina’s image
  • Before coup, CIA analysts predicted rise of "hardline mentality... to dominate the Army”
  • U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Patricia Derian reported that “Argentina has the worst human rights record in South America”

Washington, D.C., 4 December 2003 - Newly declassified State Department documents obtained by the National Security Archive under the Freedom of Information Act show that in October 1976, Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and high ranking U.S. officials gave their full support to the Argentine military junta and urged them to hurry up and finish the "dirty war" before the U.S. Congress cut military aid. A post-junta truth commission found that the Argentine military had "disappeared" at least 10,000 Argentines in the so-called "dirty war" against "subversion" and "terrorists" between 1976 and 1983; human rights groups in Argentina put the number at closer to 30,000.
Now read Inside Argentina's Killing Machine

Now have Korean intelligence go assassinate a female journalist in the Phillipines to show me who's boss. Go on. I am on your case you fucking little nazi faggot!

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