
Saturday 22 June 2019

Hannah Fry on Networks and Control

This is a bit scary, ....

.... when you think about it in the context of powerful minorities who have an interest in retaining their power, and this:

But see also Jade on Equilibria in Complex Systems, and (sotto voce) this:

But, beware, ... of this sort of thing!

Which, in the absence of a reality checkpoint, leads to this sort of thing:

... and ...

... and ...

The way to avoid this partitioning is to look at the dynamics of the networks over time. So, instead of focussing entirely on who is associated with whom, right now, look at how these associations are changing in time. Then you will know what are the probable effects which new associations you make will have on the movement of the whole school.

Thank God for bullet-proof custard!

So this is why we need secure communications, people!

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