Saturday 8 June 2019

Four Million Venezuelans no Longer Live in Venezuela

Apparently Evo Morales has given those coming to Bolivia voting rights in the presidential election in December, in which he is standing. Venezuelans in Bolivia would do well to recall how, before voting closed in the February 21 referendum in 2016, Morales said he was going to purge the government of all those who had voted "No". You have to wonder about a government that gives foreigners rights to vote, but denies them access to representatives of international human rights organisations, don't you?

Bolivia is the next Venezuela. You cannot base an economy on foreign income from hydrocarbons, corruption and drugs. It is not sustainable.

This is from February 21st 2018. As a result of Maduro's foreign exchange controls --- his attempt to control inflation --- ordinary Venezuelans were not able to receive giro transfers and had to cross the border to Colombia to collect small amounts of money wired to them by relatives working abroad. These small sums wired from relatives abroad are a significant part of the rural economy of many, many countries. Did Maduro not know this?

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