Monday 3 June 2019

Colorado River

This looks like fun. I was actually trying to find something else about Robert Kennedy in South/Central America. Around the time this film came out, Bronwen Manby, who worked for the Soros Institute at the time, told me that she'd done a canoe trip with her brother Dave Manby on the Colorado. The British Canoe Union awarded Simon Chapman and I a travel grant to come to Bolivia in 2008. I pulled out of Simon's canoe trip, however. Robert F Kennedy Jr attended the London School of Economics, where George Soros relocated his institute after renaming it "Open Society Foundations". He was capitalising on the association with Karl Popper, who was at the LSE. Apparently Bronwen Manby left Soros and now works at the LSE. That sounds like sheep-dipping, to me. Bronwen told me that she once visited my uncle Jerry Grant in Harare, whilst she worked for the Soros Institute. I asked my uncle about it a couple of years ago, and he told me doesn't remember her.

I would really like to see a copy of Wade Davis' book "One River". My mother once said she'd send me a copy but it didn't show up. I would also be interested to know whether Wade Davis has been approached by the CIA.

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