
Saturday 25 May 2019

US Military Unholy Alliances in Rojava, Syria

What a fucking mess you have made there! And you're just making it worse by the day.

See also this earlier post.

Max Blumenthal talks about this here, and also about the British intelligence involvement in Syria and Libya, and the Manchester Bombing.

At 5 mins 50 secs, on Venezuela, ... he doesn't understand the root cause of the problem, which is decades of corruption and incompetence on the part of the Venezuelan government. The current US intervention is only possible because of this corruption. And the solution will not come through dialogue with corrupt government officials and a corrupt judiciary. See Amnesty International Campaigning for Support for Venezuelan Refugees. Max needs o talk to some of these three and a half million people who are now refugees in countries like Bolivia, where they have no access to international human rights representatives and no access to secure communications. It is only because of this silencing of tens of millions of people in Latin America that people like Max Blumenthal can carry on thinking they understand what's going on. You only need to imagine what a century of almost total lawlessness does to a society, but that's hard to do until you have spent a decade or so living in it and trying to understand its effects.

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