
Friday 24 May 2019

The Regime Change Network is Going Ape

This is blowing up in their faces right now. I am posting this, but I have to say that I think that even deriding the stupid crap these people are coming out with now is lending it a semblance of dignity it really doesn't deserve.

I'm not going to construct an argument, because it would be a waste of my time, but anyone who wants form their own opinion on what's going on can follow this smoke trail, if they have nothing better to do with their lives.

Here's Rick Sanchez talking about the latest chemical weapons phantasy dreamt up by Hunt Oil and Co to justify US military presence in Syria.

And this reminded me of a video Vanessa Beeley posted from Syria in early April, where she was sitting at a table in a streetside cafĂ© with Syrian families enjoying something resembling a civilized life, people walking around with their kids, and everybody feeling like the worst was over, and that things were going to get better and better from now on. And practically the next day, the US, the UK and France launched over a hundred cruise missiles as a "show of disproportiinate strength" which turned out to be a  display of the most spectacular incompetence in modern warfare technology when the Syrian Air Defence shot down all but a hundful of them, most of which were targetting areas on the outskirts of Damascus where there wasn't anthing to defend.

So I searched for this piece, and I thought it might've been posted by Ron Paul, but when I looked at the web site I got this:

And I was on a ProtonVPN connection through Japan, I think, so quite how that happened I don't know.

But anyway, in the process, I also discovered this feeble-minded, boring, repetitive and extremely tedious point-by-point rebuttal of all alternative media attempts to expose the various chemical weapons allegations made by the US and the UK against the Syrian government over the past two years as attempts to justify their criminal acts of aggression. The fact that The Atlantic Council even attempted to cover up their failed coverup attempts with what amounts to little nore than slanderous assertions against Vanessa Beeley and Eva Bartlett is more than enough evidence than I need to conclude that this protracted exercise in paid shit-posting by "The Atlantic Council" is not worthy of any more of my attention than I have already given it
Many of the attacks on the White Helmets were both voiced and amplified by a group of pro-Assad bloggers, of whom the most prominent were British citizen Vanessa Beeley and Canadian citizen Eva Bartlett. These, in turn, were supported online by a group of Twitter users who have repeatedly targeted critics of the Assad regime. Neither Bartlett nor Beeley can be viewed as a credible or impartial commentator. In October 2015, Beeley tweeted that the White Helmets are a “legit target”; in 2016, she described a meeting with Assad as her “proudest moment.” At a lecture in Sweden in June 2018, she called respected human rights nongovernmental organization (NGO) Human Rights Watch a “fake, front organization funded by a Zionist billionaire.” Bartlett’s editorial position emerges clearly in her publications—for example, writing that Western nations “do everything in their power to ensure civilians suffer from terrorism and sanctions” in Syria, writing of the “lapdog media” in the West, and accusing US National Security Advisor John Bolton of issuing a “very public command to Al-Qaeda and co-extremists to stage yet another fake chemical attack.”
The comment on Human Rights Watch being a "fake, front organization funded By a Zionist billionaire" is correct. That billionaire is the Queen of England's fraudulent banker George Soros, victim of a fake assassination attempt concocted by some very scared Democrats later that year, aided and abetted by Former FBI Assistant Director Kevin Brock: See Kevin Brock Opinion Piece on AG Barr.

But The Last American Vagabond thinks this has been effectively quashed. That would be a nice thing to be able to believe, but these people are so stupid that they will very probably keep trying, simply because they are at the stage now where there is almost nothing else they could try. I suspect that they are doing this mostly out of their need to be able to maintain their state of denial, because the prospect of them facing up to what is really happening to them right now is unthinkable.

But Syrians don't actually care about the propaganda war. They are traumatised by day-in-day-out human rights violations by US/UK/French/German coalition forces which they say are targetted at the Syrian people, not the Syrian government or the Syrian Arab Army. The aim, says this doctor, is to destroy the country and its people. Why? See US Wants Syrian Kurdistan Oil. Hires ISIS to Provide Excuse for US Military Presence in Syria.

And who are these terrorists? Well some of them seem to be pretty well-equipped, that's for sure!

See also Max Blumenthal Q&A on the White Helmets, given late last year.

And the US/UK response? It's to show, for anyone who doesn't already know, that the UN is not an organisation worth taking seriously.

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