
Wednesday 8 May 2019

The Incredible Boeing Aircraft Corporation

Turns out they knew about the sensor failure display problem in 2017 but didn't do anything at all to inform anybody about it until after the Lion Air crash in October 2018. And there has been another 737 MAX crash in the USA, with 136 passengers in board. And this is the moment Boeing chose to fire 900 safety inspectors from their Seattle plant. The reason you couldn't make this stupid shit up is because you'd think "Nobody would believe we are that fuckin' stupid!" and so you'd make up a more plausible plot, unless you were even more stupid than you thought you were!

But why was this Miami plane flying? I thought the type was grounded?

This company isrotten to the core of its being and needs to be shut down and taken to pieces and reassembled from nothing.

The full Australian 60 minutes programme is here:

It takes a whole 9 days  to make one, and only five minutes to crash and kill everyone on board.

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