
Friday 17 May 2019

Shaking the Genie out of Iran?

Is this something to do with British Petroleum and Iranian National Oil company shared interests in North Sea gas fields, and Genie Oil and Rupert Murdoch and co, and Israeli nuclear technology? I hope not!

At 2 mins 7 secs. On 90 day exemptions from sanctions, describes the Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant as Russian-American. Is he referring to the German input?

In 2013 the BIS fined Weatherford, an oil industry technical equipment supply company based in Dallas TX, US$100 million, for violating export controls between 2002 and 2008, with shipments of nuclear and oil production equipment to Mexico, Venezuela, Cuba and Syria, some of which was destined for Iran.
Weatherford Oil Tool Middle East Ltd.: Weatherford Oil Tool Middle East Ltd., a subsidiary of Weatherford International Ltd., evaded the EAR in connection with the export of oil and gas equipment from the United States to Iran and Syria between 2002 and 2008, charged BIS. Working with its parent company, Weatherford International Ltd., Weatherford Oil Tool Middle East Ltd. concealed that Iran and Syria were the ultimate destinations of the items.
Weatherford Production Optimisation (UK) Ltd.: Weatherford Production Optimisation (UK) Ltd., a subsidiary of Weatherford International Ltd., evaded the EAR in connection with the export of items for oil well production optimization between 2003 and 2006, charged BIS. Weatherford Production Optimisation (UK) Ltd. concealed that Iran was the ultimate destination of the items.
 BIS also charged that between 2002 and 2007 Weatherford International Ltd. violated the Regulations by exporting pulse neutron decay tools which are controlled for reasons of nuclear non-proliferation, to Venezuela and Mexico without the required Department of Commerce licenses.
At 6 mins 17 secs, Iranian president Rohani is quoted in Der Spiegel as saying that Iran is the main transit for heroin and other drugs from Afghanistan into Europe.
Tatsächlich ist Iran das wichtigste Transitland für Heroin und andere Drogen, die aus Afghanistan nach Europa geschmuggelt werden. Vor allem aber hat Teheran rund drei Millionen afghanische Flüchtlinge aufgenommen. Angesichts der verheerenden Wirtschaftslage in Iran - maßgeblich eine Folge der US-Sanktionen - wächst im Land der Druck auf die Regierung, eine Lösung für dieses Problem zu finden.

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