
Monday 27 May 2019

On Gary Webb

Investigative journalist Gary Webb exposed CIA involvement with cocaine trafficking in the eighties and nineties. As a result of his writings the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Chaired by Porter W Goss, produced this report, published in 2000.

Listen to Webb being interviewed in August 2001. At 1 Hr 13 mins 50 secs he mentions that "You'll never be able to manage the CIA because of the National Security laws in this country.  Nobody can look at them except themselves. And you've got Congressional Committees that are supposed to investigate the CIA and they're being run by former CIA agents. And that's a fact." At the time it was not general public knowledge that Porter W. Goss had been a CIA Agent since John F. Kennedy was president. It later became known, because George W. Bush appointed Goss as Director, Central Intelligence in September 2004. Then, three months later, Gary Webb was found dead with multiple gunshot wounds to his head. And not 500 meters from where I am writing this, there is a sushi restaurant called Goss, and when I once tried to photograph the licence which any business here is obliged by law to display on the premisses, the waiter blocked my view and removed the notice, so I can't tell you who owns it. What is the relevance? I am in a city in Bolivia where an unholy alliance of CIA and British intelligence and DEA and FBI and Mormons and god only knows what other subspecies of ape have kept me incommunicado for fucking years! See Bill Binney on Surveillance.

Now don't tell me Julian Assange is a journalist unless you want me to spit in your fucking face next time I see you!

[I don't know why I wrote Porter W. Goss, ... perhaps I meant Porter JW Goss?].

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