
Wednesday 8 May 2019

On Creativity

Two more superb videos from Academy of Ideas, many of which (apart from these two, unfortunately) have subtitles available in several languages including Spanish, from the YouTube menu available from the captions option on the "three vertically aligned dots" menu that appears on the YouTube video display when the controls are visible.

This is why creativity is an important part of psychological health

At 11 mins 1 sec, there is something very important which is missing from this paragraph by Taylor. It cannot be possible to pursue excellence in creating your own personality in isolation of any others, because without other people with whom you interact, your personality has no meaning. What is missing is another consequence of the definition of man, which is that of a political animal. See Why Is Telecommunications Security so Important?

This is on some, but not all, of the reasons why creativity eludes so many people today:

Some of the other reasons why creativity is elusive in today's world, in particular, in the aoplication of technology, are explored in this essay which I wrote in 2013 or thereabouts. But the main reason is capitalist economics, as explained in this post, which I wrote in June 2015.

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