
Saturday 25 May 2019

Naomi Goodman Talking Crap About Julian Assange Talking Crap About the CIA Talking Crap about , ... etc. etc. etc.!

Let's talk about what Wikileaks revealed?! You would be doing that forever! They released gigabytes of crap! Very little of it has any direct relevance to US war crimes, which we already knew about, because this stupid shit has been going on since before the start of the 19th Century!

Here are some of the sorts of things Wikileaks published. Why? What were they trying to say by releasing this sort of thing? Nothing! They were just releasing it. And what were people expected to do with this stuff? Well, that depends upon who they were. What do you think ISIL people in Northern Iraq were going to do with this information? Julian Assange is just a fucking asshole!

And what use is made of this information? Use like this: US Military Unholy Alliances in Rojava. See also DemocracyNow! ReasonLater!

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