
Wednesday 29 May 2019

Mueller's Closing Speech

At 3 mins 56 secs, ... Fucking hell, they still haven't given up on their campaign against Trump. Mueller sounds scared, to me. He ought to be scared. So are CNN (see The Regime Change Network is Going Ape). See how they flash lower-third titles at 7 mins 11 secs. Then at 7 mins 27 secs. "And I hope and expect that this will be the only time that I will speak to you in this manner.  ..." But nobody told me to say this! He is sitting on the fence, because he hasn't got a clue which side is going to win, and he thinks that being on the winning side will get him off the hook. He is gravely mistaken.

The CNN commentary afterwards is risible. Here's Fred Tecce, former Federal Prosecutor, talking on Fox

See also RTs Margarita Simonyan on Julian Assange and Dershowitz on Assange Indictments. Newt Gingrich's take seems to concur with mine. I am not sure that's an entirely good thing, though! 😂

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