Thursday 16 May 2019

More Crap from the New York Times

This Brit, who goes by the name Adam B. Elick, looks like some sort of Murdoch tool who now has a full-time job at the NYT doing propaganda for Soros and company.

Elick is probably best known for having made a documentary about Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai, in 2009, several years before she was shot in the face by a Taliban gunman in Swat Valley, Pakistan. Some people in Pakistan believe that Elick is a CIA agent.

This is his latest creation, a story about Soviet disinformation that is supposed to tell us why there is so much slandering of poor George Soros, who generously funded the "Open Society Foundations" and apparently bought off most of  the staff at the London School of Economics in the process; a fake colour revolution in education. Three minutes and 42 seconds is all I could take of this complete crap. See this post for more on the NYT's dubious globalist sponsorship.

For more on Pakistani women being used as UK Foreign Commonwealth Office propaganda tools, see How the CIA and MI6 Fight Nazis.

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