
Tuesday 28 May 2019

Microsoft Election Insecurity

TLAV talking about this piece in by Whitney Webb, on Microsoft getting into the communications systems security market! 😂 I wonder if they'll do as well as they've done in the "US city council systems security" market? You know, the one that prevents hackers from using NSA back-doors Microsoft deliberately put into their operating system.

You must watch the clip at 11 mins 24 secs. It's hysterically funny! 😂😂😂😂❤️💓💕 Here's the full video that clip came from.

See this post "The Free, The Fair and The Forged" which I wrote nearly five years ago. It's interesting that Galois Connection only spun-off "Free & Fair" in May 2016. I mentioned the company in this piece "Policing the Traffic Cops," which I wrote in 2015. I was very angry when I wrote that. I knew about it because friends from the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory went to work there.

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