
Thursday 23 May 2019

Jason Bermas on Assange's Indictment under the Espionage Act

Jason is all fired up on this.

Here's my comment on that video:
I'll share it, but I'm not fired up about it. Assange is an irresponsible idiot, and he was way out of his depth from day -1. Assange isn't a journalist. He's practically illiterate. A journalist analyses and writes. A journalist doesn't just dump gigabytes of raw data on a web site, a journalist _may_ read and _analyse_ a dump like that, but then they would write up the relevant parts as a coherent thread with a particular purpose. What was the purpose of that dump of State Department cables? To show ISIS how to start making shit-loads of money from selling crude oil from Iraqi Kurdistan? Is that why Assange and Manning did that? I doubt it. My point is that a real journalist would write that data into a story, not give the whole world access to the raw data which is full of details that tell people things that Assange with his feeble intellect could never have imagined they would learn from reading it. And posing as a secure way to anonymously dump stolen secrets shows that Assange knew fuck-all about communications security, and people died as a result of that. Lastly, by creating a huge furore about it, he gave the impression that there were people fighting the corrupt system when in fact all the competent people who knew how to prioritise the issues, people like me, for instance, were off-line. I have not one drop of sympathy for Julian Assange. He is a fucking asshole! See

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