
Thursday 30 May 2019

H.L. Hunt in HD

He didn't sound so bad in audio. But looking at his face makes me feel mildly nauseaous. See Iran False Flags and Mitchell Whitington Interviews John Curington.

You wonder about whether it's entirely accidental coincidence that Jeremy Hunt talks about the "important work" of coordinating the British response to the attack on the Skripals. I mean, what would cause people with the surname "Hunt" to have such a problem with Russia? That's a ridiculous suggestion, isn't it?

And it's not a one off. See How MI6 and the CIA fight Nazis: ... Oh, and he's a Christian too! And sooo concerned about the persucution of Christians. And he sounds like a mincing poofter to boot! Hunt, two months ago I asked your Vice Consul in La Paz to confirm in writing that I have renounced my British citizenship. Why hasn't she acknowledged receipt of that request? Get your thumb out of your arse you little prick! Fucking yesterday!

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