
Friday 31 May 2019

George Galloway

George, real journalists, like Gary Webb, Vanessa Beeley,  Whitney Webb, Daphne Caruana Galizia, Javier Valdez and Serena Shim know what are the risks. Serena Shim had been booked to appear on RT, George. Just like you.

And listen in particular to the bit about the US not investigating the deaths of US citizens in foreign countries. No, not even journalists. Then listen to Serena's message to her mother at 8 mins 48 secs.

See Vanessa Beeley on US/UK Backed Terrorism Operations in Syria Targetting Civilians. And people like this still do journalism. And so, some of  us end up semi-psychotic and starving to death while our health deteriorates, and we go on for year after fucking year, being lectured by jumped-up little shits like you and Joseph Shipman, on how to live in "the real world". Fucking amazing, isn't it?

For what it's worth, Ebbe Elsborg, Peter Sewell, Joseph Shipman and Javier Quiroga are all connected with k.o.m. Also Lawrence C. Paulson and Donald Knuth.

By the way, the day I wrote this, in Men Talking Crap
And this is all the result of the male dominance of these fields. This is the ultimate reason, I think, why women don't do well in science and technology: it's all bull-shit made up by agressive little boys who are more concerned about appearing to be clever than they are about understanding anything.
And something similar happens with money. Those little men who aren't smart enough to talk convincing bull-shit want money because that's how they know they're really somebody. Of course, they end up talking bull-shit about money too!
So Ladies, don't worry about not being paid as much, or about not doing as well as little boys. None of them know what they're talking about, and furthermore, they're all wrong. And this is what we are about to see. These rich little pricks are going to wake up stone cold sober one day soon, and realize that (a) they're stone broke too, and (b) while they were out of it, they signed-up to a ninety-nine-year contract as, not even a bit-part, but an extra, in a 24/7 reality TV show called "The Grapes of Wrath."
 Was the day Turkish intelligence accused Serena Shim of spying.

And the particular issue I had with Bill Gates' blog piece concerned this statement:
To be clear, when I say that high levels of inequality are a problem, I don’t want to imply that the world is getting worse. In fact, thanks to the rise of the middle class in countries like China, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, and Thailand, the world as a whole is actually becoming more egalitarian, and that positive global trend is likely to continue.
Which links to a writeup of a bullshit study written about in the NYT, which seemed to me very likely to have been a result of research funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

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