
Wednesday 8 May 2019

George Galloway on Trump's China Strategy

At 2 mins 3 secs, Manila Chan plays a comment of Steve Bannon, to the effect that the US - China trade talks were never about getting better deals for soy bean farmers, they are an economic war, and have been since the get-go. George responds saying that just because China steals your lunch, you don't kick over the table and spoil it for everyone else as well.

George, it's the Chinese people who are losing out most, and the people in all these countries whose raw materials are going to fuel Chinese factories making crap, mainly, and employing illegal migrant workers from Vietnam to do it, because there aren't enough Chinese moving into the cities in China anymore. And who is doing this? People like Tim Cook and Elon Musk, and God only knows how many German industrialists. And these are "China's allies on Wall St" They're a bunch of crooks with connections to Yakuza and Chinese Triad gangs and the Mafia and I don't know what else, and they have taken control of the Chinese Communist Party by bribery and corruption. Why do you think that the UK and Europe should carry on benefitting from that? Is it a hangover from your "War on Want" days?

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