
Friday 17 May 2019

Even Warren Buffet has Seven Shares of Amazon Stock Now

Berkshire Hathaway upgrades its Amazon holdings by US$400+ million to US$ 800 million.

David Quintieri is looking at Berkshire Hathaway's February 14th SEC 13F Holdings filing. So this investment was made sometime in the quarter before that, and when we kook, er, ... I mean look, at the Amazon share price history, we see how accurate Warren Buffett's information is:

So the stock, subsequent to that investment, climbed around 30%, so Berkshire Hathaway has made a couple of hundered million dollars profit in five months, just by investing US$400 million, which is a 50%+ ROI Wow! Charlie Munger knows his shit, doesn't he? So what happened back then?

When filings spike? You mean, 13F filings? Surely not! What's the real headline then? Oooh! They mean "divorce filings", of course.

Jeff and McKenzie Bezos live in the same Seattle neighborhood as Bill and Melinda Gates. Now there was a story going around at the time, that she was entitled to 50% of Bezos' Amazon stake, and that's what set the stock price falling, but in the end she settled for 4%. So McKenzie Tuttle got US$35 billion worth of Amazon shares, but with no interest in the Washington Post, and with no voting rights on her Amazon shareholding. Well, ... you can't blame her, really. Who'd want to be the most powerful woman in America at a time like this? Fortunately that announcement of the divorce settlement on the 5th April had barely any effect whatsoever on the Amazon share price.

Now find out when Berkshire Hathaway made its initial US$400 million investment and see what effect that had on the price. Or you can wait for the SEC to announce the result of their own investigation, which I am sure they will do, in due course.

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