
Saturday 11 May 2019

Double Standards in Alternative Media

I am fed up with hearing about how unjust it would be to leave Julian Assange to the mercy of the US Justice system. If the system is so broken, then there are a lot of people currently in US prisons, who are far more worthy of support than Assange is. Why do we not hear about them? Because they aren't "journalists"? Assange is not a journalist. He doesn't write his own material, he just publishes other people's raw data.

Here's a documentary on Assange made just after the Swedish court's extradition request to the UK. This also mentions that Assange did not have independent access to the "submission platform" software. This was all written by an unidentified programmer. But see this story on the disappearance of a Dutch security expert associated with Wikileaks.

At 21 mins 41 secs, Assange says the Guardian's publishing the password to the encrypted, unredacted cables was "probably not malicious". I don't understand that.

Weird password Assange chose for the State Department cables:

It seems very clear, to me, that Assange allowed himself and Wikileaks to become the tool of many and various different particular interests, and that he was quite well aware of this at the time. See the first few minutes of the film Risk Laura Poitras. See also


So lock him up in the States, I say! Then at least he can get some attention focussed onto the problem of the failed justice system in the United States of America, which is the cause of an awful lot of the world's most serious problems.

What I have learned today: Assange is functionally illiterate, and he was way, way out of his depth. That  whole thing was never going to end well.

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