
Thursday 30 May 2019

Assange Unfit to Appear on Videolink At Extradition Hearing

Mis-transcription in subtitles. The "extremely toxic" should read "extremely taxing". There are no clinical details about Assange's condition, apart from weight-loss.

I rather suspect that his psychological condition is what prevents him from being able to speak. I think his being treated like a hamster might be why he unable to speak out for his own human rights. 😂 See Dershowitz on Assange Indictments. See also MI6 Pressure on Russian Oligarchs in London and Kevin Brock Opinion Piece on Barr and the FBI's Spying.

Here's me appearing on a video-link and speaking out for my animal rights. Weight loss has not been an impediment to me doing that.

My Spanish is awful, isn't it? Maybe if I had more people to talk to I would improve?

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