
Monday 22 April 2019

What is Going On Here?

I would dearly love to understand what this precious metals market rigging is all about.

Is it entirely for the benefit of Russia, ....

... and China?

Why doesn't the Bank of England store the gold bullion reserves of countries like Australia and Venezuela like this?

This talk on precious metals market manipulation, and the US Department of Justice's attempts to quash prosecutions, was given less than two years ago, in June 2017.

It sounds to me like the European Central Bank, and, I imagine, the Bank of England, are heavily involved. Yanis Varoufakis' book probably has some enlightening commentary on this, but I am not allowed to read such things, because it would he bad for Evo Morales and the feral CIA, I presume.

See also this programme and this post of mine, about the Corporation of the City of London.

Is it all about Real Spanish Justice? Started in 1989?

And now, thirty years later, ... well, a little revolution, once in a while, ....

How to watch movies. The key is to learn to do without concrete representation. As explained in this text "Red October" which I wrote when I was in La Paz, almost five years ago.

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