
Thursday 25 April 2019

The Step from One to Two, ....

That first step defeated an awful lot of us, until now. ❤️💓💕

Everything must change, ...

The first time I realised the earth was in danger was when I was about six years old. In our back garden we were digging the ground over to lay some brick paving and I was given the task of extracting a lump of concrete that someone had put into a hole in order to support a piece of metal tubing that was a support for a clothes line. And I had a small lump-hammer and a cold-chisel, and I had to break this huge lump of concrete up, and I couldn't do it. The concrete was too big to lift into a wheelbarrow, and probably too big to be put into the boot of a car. And I thought about the concrete foundations of buildings like the 20 storey building in Port Elizabeth that my father, an architect/town planner, worked in, and I thought "Why do they make so many such ugly things that are ultimately useless and almost impossible to destroy? That is insane!" And I still think that, as I starve whilst "property developers" here in Cochabamba rush to throw up stupid, ugly buildings that nobody in their ight mind would want, in order to "invest their capital" in "real estate" before "the economy" eventually "collapses". And why do they behave like this? Just because they aren't properly educated.

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