
Monday 22 April 2019

Russian Battlefield Communications

How to RV without a pre-arranged plan.

Jason Bermas on CIA involvement with Hollywood dating back to the founding of the MPAA.

Phillip Noyce on the Australian intelligence involvement in the movie industry, dating back to when Phillip Noyce made his first film, at the latest!

Angelina Jolie rocks! ❤️💓💕

Who The Hell ...

Are Williams Meyers and Toni M. Castillovargas? Someone with access to a Google+ account in these names sent me a comment, a few weeks ago, to the effect of "Shut the fuck up and delete all your posts". What sort of deluded idiot thinks he can say that to anybody?

If there is anybody who has something to say to me, you will identify yourself and any relevant affiliations, and you will present yourself in person and be held personally responsible for whatever it is that you tell me. Otherwise sit down and shut up. That's what faster seatbelts means!

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