
Saturday 6 April 2019

Electric Cave Man

T.O.L. on the awful shit happening to poor Julian! I feel for the guy, I really do. But I still think it's funny. Why would that be? Ever heard of soldiers joking about their friends who got their balls blown off? It's that sort of shit.

I mean, look at the sort of things that happened to Wellington: "During his time in Dublin his duties were mainly social; attending balls, entertaining guests and providing advice to Buckingham. While in Ireland, he overextended himself in borrowing due to his occasional gambling, but in his defence stated that "I have often known what it was to be in want of money, but I have never got helplessly into debt". ... [then later in his career] ... The men, floundering about amidst the trees and the water-courses, at last broke, and fell back in disorder, some being killed and a few taken prisoners. In the confusion Colonel Wellesley was himself struck on the knee by a spent ball, and narrowly escaped falling into the hands of the enemy." I think this is he real reason Bertrand Russell was a pacifist. He was afraid of the effects shooting would have on his body! 😂

Now look at the state they left Che Guevara in when he came to Bolivia!

Gringo Bandolero, they called him. What do you think they call me? Hint: it rhymes with Brasilero. 😂 Julian calls this effect of Che's "metronymic". What the fuck does that mean? I'll tell you what, though. In Bolivia I see faces like those every single day, on every single street, everywhere.

I think Julian and I met once in a guest house in Paharganj New Delhi. He told me that the rice paddies in Bangladesh are exactly the same green colour as the ones you see in movies about Vietnam. And I thought "what a pretentious prick!" but he was a friend of my girlfriend's so I didn't say anything, and, really, that was the beginning of the end of our relationship, because Catherine seemed to think the sun shone out of this guy's arse! 🌻 I think Julian should get out of the cinema and see what's going on in the Theatre! By the way, it was Catherine's uncle who wrote the second part of "1066 and All That", so I am very, very careful about messing with Catherine! But it's fun. I mean, if you like getting your wurzel a bit mangelled from time to time! ❤️💓💕😂

See Jules, I am a live wire, after all. And you thought I didn't know where Daka is? Well, you know what they say, Toe-rags, I mean. If you can't get the horse to race, take the race to the horse. And why does that make me a live wire? Well, because I'll give you an inch, then I'll take you a mile. I won't just deprive you of your animal rights, bitch, I'll take away your fucking human rights too. Squish like a hamster booooooy!

Very fucking uncommon sci-fi, isn't it, Jules? I bet you never thought you'd end up actually living (and starring!)  in Ian and Brad's frat boy movie. It's not going to sell well. Buut hell, cult movies aren't made for profit, are they? They're made to amuse women! 😂

Like this one seems to have done! 😂❤️💓💕 When I saw this, I thought "Thank God! There is hope for American cinema, afer all!"

1 comment:

  1. Indian girls' nickname for Wellington was Panchlingham. You can imagine what they called the Duke of York! 😂
