
Tuesday 10 March 2015

Securing the Estado Plurinacional with Raspberry Pi

This is a blatant appeal for charitable funding. I have reason to believe that the Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia may be about to face a computer and communications systems emergency scenario. And just so that there is a chance we can do something about it, and in the absence of further funding, I am going to make some network security appliances, out of Raspberry Pi II. So my appeal is for donors to make a donation directly to the distributors, or to  Raspberry Pi themselves, so that someone can organize a consignment by express delivery of some kind. It would be nice to have just one sample here in advance, to test installations, but that may not be feasible. We are going to need a couple of hundred at the very least.

In the happy event that the machines aren't needed for security applications, I can PERSONALLY promise a very long and interesting series of posts on applications of these machines that are very unlikely to have been thought of before. They won't be MY ideas, you understand, because I have never had an idea of my own. You'll have to wait and see, and hope and pray that we don't need them for security ...

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