
Friday 10 October 2014

The Foundation (Parts I,II & III)

This is the core of the idea of how we can realize The Foundation as a reason for all people to have faith, because they have confidence based on actual knowledge, in the future of Humanity.

It's my daughter Helen's sixteenth birthday tomorrow. This is my present to her, which I promised in the document "Revolution" I wrote three years ago. For this project, she lost her father for five years. Please help me make it a reality, so that we can give her and billions of others, the gift of a really good higher education.


P.S. "The NSA refused to comment beyond a statement saying, “It should come as no surprise that NSA conducts targeted operations to counter increasingly agile adversaries.” The agency cited Presidential Policy Directive 28, which it claimed “requires signals intelligence policies and practices to take into account the globalization of trade, investment and information flows, and the commitment to an open, interoperable, and secure global Internet.” The NSA, the statement concluded, “values these principles and honors them in the performance of its mission.”

This was from:

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