This design outline concerns the implementation of a protocol for
dynamic routing by port-knocking in the OpenBSD packet filter
pf(4). This protocol is intended for the purpose of protecting virtual
private networks against denial of service (DoS) attacks from without.
This design is intended solely to enhance _availability_ of services
which would otherwise be open to DoS attacks; it is a dynamic routing
protocol and makes _no_ claims to do anything for the _privacy,
integrity_ or _authenticity_ of the traffic payloads. These issues are
properly addressed by transport protocols such as IPSEC and TLS.
The idea is to provide a means by which the existence of any TCP
service may be rendered undetectable by active port-scans and/or
passive traffic flow analyses of TCP/IP routing information in the
headers of packets passing over physical (as opposed to virtual,
i.e. tunnelled) networks.
Only those with a certain specific "need to know" will be able to
direct traffic to those IP addresses which are the ingress points of
protected VPNs. This need-to-know will be conferred by the device of a
one-time, time-limited pre-shared key transmitted in the 32 bit ISN
field of SYN packets used to initiate one or more TCP/IP connections
between certain combinations of host/port.
This design should make possible the implementation of e.g., proxy
servers which automatically track VPN ingress point routing changes
and manage the creation, distribution and use of pre-shared keys on
behalf of clients and servers behind pf(4) "firewalls", and
furthermore, to do this transparently; i.e. without imposing any
procedural requirements on the users, and without modification of the
client/server operating-system or application programs on either side
of the interface.
This in turn will make possible the implementation of services to
dynamically (and non-deterministically, from the point-of-view of
anyone without a VPN connection) change the physical network addresses
of the VPNs' points of ingress, and to do this rapidly and frequently,
whilst automatically distributing the necessary routing changes to
enable the subsequent key generation and distribution described in the
preceeding paragraph.
The design presented here owes a great to the TCP Stealth design of
Julian Kirsch[1]. The difference is only that instead of making the
one-time use of keys dependent on the varying TCP timestamp, which is
not universally implemented, we make the pre-shared key itself
one-time, and we extend the protocol to arbitrarily long sequences of
knocks which may be from more than source address, directed to more
than destination, and may be either synchronous or asynchronous. We
also implement the protocol as a routing mechanism, so making the
existence of services invisible to probes of active attackers as well
as passive ones who merely observe traffic flows (c.f.[1] Sec 3.2,
p10). Another reason for not using the TCP timestamp as a key
modulator is that an attacker who can block the SYN/ACK responses of a
server knock can identify TCP Stealth knocks by the fact that the
retransmissitted SYN packets have the same TCP timestamp.
One good feature of Kirch's design we have not implemented is the
prevention of session hijacking by a man-in-the-middle. This is
achieved by the device of varying the isn-key according to the first
bytes of the payload of the first packet received after the connection
is established. The benefit of this is significant because an attacker
who can intercept TCP handshakes can effect a DoS attack on the client
by hijacking successful knocks, but with TCP Stealth payload
protection the server can safely reject or divert the hijacking
attempts and still allow the genuine client to connect, possibly
through the pfsync peer.
We do not implement this because it requires further changes to the
pf(4) modulate state code path, which would significantly complicate
testing. We have however made the key_type a parameter so this feature
should be added as a second phase development once the basic
functionalty has been well-tested.
The following is an attempt to specify precisely what changes to the
existing pf(4) and related programs are required to implement the
desired functionality. Constructive comments would be much
Objections that this is so-called "security by obscurity" are simply
not valid because the isn-keys have time-limited validity, are
one-time use only, may be made arbitrarily complex and may be chosen
non-deterministically from the point of view of anyone who does not
have access to the protected VPNs, which already implies the required
need-to-know. We are in effect encrypting the destination addresses of
IP traffic with a one-time pad. Using a synchronous four key knock
sequence, for example, even knowing the exact length of the knock
sequence and all of the m possible source addresses and n possible
destination addresses, any would-be attacker will have a chance of far
less than one in 2^128 of correctly guessing the key.
[1] Julian Kirsh, "Improved Kernel-based Port-knocking in Linux",
Munich, 15 August 2014.
The implementation will be maintained as a patch to the standard
OpenBSD source tree, affecting the pf(4), pfsync(4), tcpdump(8) and
pfctl(8) programs.
We require the implementation to satisfy the following conditions:
1. The code changes should be _trivially_ proven to not affect
potential security in _any_ way, if the features provided are
not in fact explicitly enabled in the pf(4) configuration.
2. When the features it provides _are_ used, it should be stated
exactly (and verifiably, so with explicitly stated reasons) what
negative security effects they potentially have on the operation
of pf(4).
3. Changes to existing code should be the minimum required to
implement the required functionality, and they should be such
that (a) their operational effects can be easily verified to be
conditional on the explicit enabling of the feature, and (b)
they are absolutely necessary for the implementation of that
4. A strategy for exhaustively testing _all_ significant conditions
on _all_ the modified code-paths must be laid out in advance of
implementation, and an exhaustive list of test cases developed
as the modifications are added.
The following design satisfies condition (1) because the default
maximum no of isn-keys in the isn_key tree is 0, hence it must be
explicitly set to a value > 0 by an ioctl(2) call, or the appearence
of "set limit isn-keys n" in the ruleset. But the first line of the
rule match testing (see step 9. below) requires the ISN appear in the
isn-keys tree, otherwise the packet is passed by that rule. Hence
unless explicitly enabled, this feature has no effect whatsoever on
any packet routing: all packets are passed as if the rule did not
Likewise any ioctl(2) operations will fail (see step 6. below) if the
isn-keys table size is found to be zero. Also, since no
isn-key-related pfsync(4) operations will occur if isn-keys is zero
(see step 12. below) and since all new pfctl(8) operations are via
ioctl(2) calls, (see steps 2. & 3. below) there will be no change to
the operation of either pfctl(8) or tcpdump(8), which will not receive
isn-key-related packets from the pfsync i/f. In addition, since the
default maxisnkeytmo timeout is 30s, no keys will affect routing
decisions, or use pf(4) resources for more than 30 seconds, unless
explicitly enabled.
The following design satisfies condition (2) because the first line of
the rule match testing (see step 9. below) requires the keys must all
have dst/src address in the anchor-local isn_key_{dst,src}
table. Therefore the only effect the isn-key rule option can have is
on packets where addresses of both endpoints have been explicitly
added to the respective tables.
Furthermore, since every isn-key is removed from the isn_keys table on
first use, and since connections are deferred until the pfsync(4) peer
ACKs these removals, in normal operation (i.e. with an congestion-free
pfsync(4) physical i/f between the peers), no isn-key will effect the
establishment of more than one TCP connection.
To show that condition (3) is also satisfied, the satisfaction of each
of the requirements 3a and 3b will be noted for each change in turn in
the steps below.
Condition (4) will be satisfied by a testing framework based on qemu
emulations of one or more systems (the test machines) "instrumented"
by debug log messages redirected by syslogd(8) to a pipe program which
writes them to a serial device /dev/cuaXX, from whence they will be
read by the test framework running on the test host monitoring the
associated qdev pipe. The test frame workwill match a certain "test"
prefix with an event code to a particular test event. The test
framework will be able to respond to events by executing programs as
root as necessary to set up configurations, configure interfaces etc,
by writing commands to, and reading output from, a pipe which will
correspond to the stdin/stdout of a root shell on the test
machines. The test framework will also be able to communicate with
arbitrary other programs on the test machines to make certain ioctl(2)
calls, etc, based on input from serial devices via qemu ipies on the
test host. The test framework will also have access to tunnels via
which it can send and receive raw packets on the test network. The
test framework will be scripted by a command language allowing the
specification of stte machines which respond to events and timeouts by
actions and state-change changes. Actions will include the ability to
schedule timeouts, send packets, log test results etc.
The details of the test framework have yet to be specified. For now we
will simply note the facilities that will be required to test the
changes below.
1. Add a new pool and RB trees, in sys/net/pf.c, for isn keys, if and
only if PF_LIMIT_IKS > 0. Fields are:
keyid, proto,
src_add, src_port, dst_add, dst_port, anchor,
keyseq, async, seqno,
isn_key, key_type, timeout, uid, gid
Where src_add and/or dst_add may be specified as addresses are
specified in pf rules, i.e. as table names, route labels, etc.
If keyseq == keyid then
If seqno == 1 then this is a simple key.
Otherwise it's the last in a sequence of seqno knocks
A synchronous knock sequence is made in reverse order of seqno,
Otherwise it's asynchronous and the knocks can be
made in any order, except the last must have
keyseq == keyid
Add pf_isn_key_insert
Add pf_find_isn_key_byid etc.
Add pf_status.isn_keys - pfvar.h line 1415
Add pf_status.maxisnkeytmo - pfvar.h around line 1406
Add pf_status.isnkeyid
Also add ioctls for setting/getting maxisnkeytmo, see step 6
Implementation conditions:
(3a) the allocation of the new pool and RB trees are conditional on
the explicit enabling of the service by setting the
PF_LIMIT_IKS to a non-zero value.
(3b) It is absolutely necessary to store the pre-shared keys in the
pf(4) address space if it is to check for their existence in
filtered packets.
(4) Test framework events corresponding to LOG messages at level
DEBUG with an event identifier. TEST:EVENT:test1.X referring
to this step.
2. Add pfctl.c functions:
Add pfctl.maxisnkeytmo - pfctl_parser.h line 92
Add syntax for maxisnkeytmo at parse.y, around line 678
Add pfctl_{set,load}_maxisnkeytmo to pfctl.c line 1890
void pfctl_set_maxisnkeytmo(struct pfctl *pf, u_int32_t seconds)
int pfctl_load_maxisnkeytmo(struct pfctl *pf, u_int32_t seconds)
Implementation conditions:
(3a) pfctl implements the change via iocrl(2) calls, so by the
condition on step 6. below, the timeout can only be extended
if the limit[PF_LIMIT_IKS] > 0
(3b) The ability to extend the maximum key timeout is a necessary
contingency for the case where exposed transport networks are
congested, possibly because of an ongoing DoS attack flooding
one or more links.
(4) Test framework for running pfctl with arbitrary commands to
load rulesets and test for errors.
3. Add a new limit (pfctl_set_limit) counter:
#define PFIKS_HIWAT 0 /* default isn-key tree max size */
{ "isn-keys", PF_LIMIT_IKS }, /* sbin/pfctl/pfctl.c line 143 */
Implementation conditions:
(3a) This requirement dropped due to circularity.
(3b) It is self-evident that this feature is absolutely necessary.
(4) Test framework for running arbitrary isn-key related ioctl(2) commands to
load rulesets and report results and errors.
4. Add isn-key keyword for matching rules
sbin/pfctl/parse.y line 2395
" " " 1834
Add post-parse checks for:
no multiple use,
only with IPPROTO_TCP,
only with keep-state outgoing rules if SYN_PROXY is used
Add filter_opts.isn_key flag - sbin/pfctl/parse.y line 250
Add pf_rules.isn_key flag - pfvar.h, line 625
u_int8_t isn_key;
Implementation conditions:
(3a) Although rules may be introduced without having explicitly
enabled the feature by setting limit[PF_LIMIT_IKS] > 0, the
setting of the flag has no effect on routing if the feature is
not enabled, as per the first match-test condition of step
9. below.
(3b) It is self-evident that this feature is absolutely necessary.
(4) Test framework for running pfctl with arbitrary commands to
load rulesets and test for errors.
5. Add purge_thread function for clearing isn key tree:
pf_unlink_isn_key pf.c line 1273
The above functions should either panic, or return immediately if
limit[PF_LIMIT_IKS] == 0.
Implementation conditions:
(3a) If there are no keys in the isn-keys table, then these
functions will return immediately.
(3b) This feature is absolutely necessary because isn-keys are
time-limited, and must be removed from the tree when timed
out to free the limited tree space.
(4) Test framework for running pfctl with arbitrary commands to
load rulesets and test for errors.
Test framework events corresponding to LOG messages at level
DEBUG with an event identifier. TEST:EVENT:test5.X referring
to this step.
6. Add ioctl(2) calls to get/set/clear entries, in groups
In sys/net/pf_ioctl.c:
#define DIOCCLRIKS _IOWR('D', 97, struct pfioc_ik_kill)
#define DIOCGETIK _IOWR('D', 98, struct pfioc_ik)
#define DIOCGETIKS _IOWR('D', 99, struct pfioc_iks)
#define DIOCADDIKS _IOWR('D', 100, struct pfioc_iks)
#define DIOCSETMAXISNKEYTMO _IOWR('D', 101, u_int32_t)
#define DIOCGETMAXISNKEYTMO _IOWR('D', 102, u_int32_t)
Or can we use 51--56?
Always fail any of the above ioctl(2) calls whenever
limit[PF_LIMIT_IKS] == 0
In DIOCADDIKS: the timeouts must be >0 and <= maxisnkeytmo
a simple key shall have seqno == 1 and async == 0
if seqno > 1 then there must be at least seqno - 1
following keys in the input structure and if
the seqno of each of this set are in strictly
descending order from seqno ... 1, then those n
keys will form a single compound knock.
in either case, the keyseq values must all be 0,
and will be filled in and set equal to the keyid
of the first key in the sequence.
async should be 0 or 1 and must be the same for all
keys in a sequence.
If any of the above checks fail, EINVAL is returned without
altering the key tree in any way: i.e. all keys must be
correct, or none will be added.
the keyseq values must all be 0, and will be filled
in and set equal to the keyid of the first key.
Add EACCESS permission checks for new ioctls
Add ioctls for maxisnkeytmo
Add pf_trans_set.maxisnkeytmo around pf_ioctl.c line 130
u_int32_t maxisnkeytmo;
Add PF_TSET_* case for pf_trans_set_commit() around line 2733
If real uid is non-zero, then only get/add/clr isn-keys with that
particular real uid/gid. Get ruid, rgid from
p_cred->p_r{uid,gid} thus:
uid_t ruid = p->p_cred->p_ruid;
gid_t rgid = p->p_cred->p_rgid;
isn_key->uid = ruid == 0 ? pfik->pfsync_ik->uid : ruid;
isn_key->gid = ruid == 0 ? pfik->pfsync_ik->gid : rgid;
sbin/pfctl/pfctl.c option changes:
Add -F option modifier 'Keys' to flush isn-keys table
Add -s option modifier 'Keys' to show isn keys, line 2376:
Add isn-keys show on 'show all' option.
Implementation conditions:
(3a) The ioctl(2) calls fail if limit[PF_LIMIT_IKS] == 0, and the
extra pfctl(8) options are implemented by these ioctl(2)
(3b) The ADDIKS ioctl is self-evidently necessary and the CLRIKS
ioctl is necessary to disable the feature. The GETIKS/GETIK
are necessary to find out what keys are currently enabled. The
GET/SETMAXISNKEYTMO ioctls are necessary to allow this to be
changed at run-time without flushing and reloading the entire
pf(4) ruleset.
We do not use the existing mechanism for setting default
timeouts because this is not a default timeout, it is the
_maximum_ timeout.
The -s and -F modifiers are necessary to allow the key table to
be examined and/or flushed quickly and easily.
(4) Test framework for running pfctl with arbitrary commands under
arbitrary real uids/gids (via sudo) to load rulesets and test
for errors.
Test framework events corresponding to LOG messages at level
DEBUG with an event identifier. TEST:EVENT:test6.X referring
to this step.
7. Add reason codes for dropping packets
#define PFRES_PRE_ISN_KEY 16 /* isn-key */
#define PFRES_BAD_ISN_KEY 17 /* bad isn-key */
Implementation conditions (3a) and (3b) and (4) are satisfied where
these codes are used in steps 9. and 10. below.
8. Add field pf_desc.isn_key to keep the ISN of the incoming SYN packet.
Implementation conditions:
(3a) Has no effect in itself, regardless of whether or not the
feature is enabled.
(3b) required for step 10. below.
9. Add isn-key rule matching/key dropping code around pf_test_rule pf.c line 3245
This only works for outgoing TCP connections if they are matched by
isn-key rules which specify SYN_PROXY keep_state, which must then
use exactly this isn-key for the ISN on the server-side of the
To test packets, look up all isn-keys matching anchor/proto and
where {dst,src}_add are each in the anchor-local
isn_key_{dst,src} table (resp.) Then test each one for detals:
address/uid/gid/etc as follows:
(*) If nothing then
Match incoming connects on dst_add/port and isn_key
Match outgoing connects on dst_add/port and
src_add/port(0 is wildcard) and test that if non-zero,
the uid/gid of the isn-key entry match those of the
src_add/port sockets.
The result of this will be a single key, or nothing
If nothing then
If the matching isn-key has keyid == keyseq then
If either seqno == 1 or this is the only key with this keyseq then
set pf_desc.isn_key to the matching isn_key
DEL the entire sequence keyseq == this_keyseq && keyid != this_keyid
If async == 1 then
If this_keyid is first in a list of isn-keys with
keyseq == this_keyid sorted by descending order of seqno then
DEL the entire sequence keyseq == this_keyseq && keyid != this_keyid
DEL the key with keyid == this_keyid
On receipt of a valid SYN/ACK with a final matching ISN key, wait
for pfsync to DEL_ACK this before making the connection.
Other protocols (currently there are none): hold the first packet
until the pfsync DEL_ACK arrives.
This prevents a race with another firewall. For this to work,
the interface must have been set up for pfsync(4) deferral using
ifconfig(4), and the pfsync physical i/f must be congestion-free
so that deferrals are not timed out (at present, this means they
must be ACKed by pfsync within 20 ms. which is hard-coded.)
Implementation conditions:
(3a) The first step (*) of the match test requires the isn-key
table to be non-empty, so that if the feature is not enabled
by setting limit[PF_LIMIT_IKS] > 0 then the candidate key list
will be empty and no packet routing changes will be made.
(3b) It self-evident that this is absolutely necessary to implement
the required functionality.
(4) Test framework for running pfctl with arbitrary commands under
arbitrary real uids/gids (via sudo) to load rulesets and test
for errors.
Test framework actions to send TCP packets
Test framework events corresponding to LOG messages at level
DEBUG with an event identifier. TEST:EVENT:test9.X referring
to this step.
Test framework events corresponding to receipt of TCP packets
with certain matching SEQ and ACK fields, flags, src and
destination addresses:ports. These could be implemented using
a bpf(4) filter attached to the test machine tunnel i/f on the
test host.
10. Modify SYN_PROXY and MODULATE_STATE to preserve ISN for outgoing
isn-keyed connections pf.c lines 3547 and 3652 (We want the SYN flood
protection, but we need to be able to choose the ISN)
Always make changes to the existing routing code conditional on
both pf_desc.r->isn_key and pf_desc.isn_key being non-zero, so
that it is easy to show there are no changes to the routing of any
packet which is _not_ matched by some isn-key rule and some
particular key in the isn-key tree.
Implementation conditions:
(3a) The pf_desc.isn_key is only non-zero when a match with some
entry in the isn-key tree has occurred, and this can only
happen when the feature has been explicitly enabled.
(3b) These changes are absolutely necessary to implement the
feature because the SYN_PROXY code would otherwise change the
ISN of outgoing TCP SYN packets thus preventing the feature
from working for outgoing connections.
(4) As for step 9 above.
Test framework events corresponding to LOG messages at level
DEBUG with an event identifier. TEST:EVENT:test9.X referring
to this step.
11. Add pfsync structures and packets for isn keys
#define PFSYNC_ACT_INS_IK 16 /* insert isn key */
#define PFSYNC_ACT_DEL_IK 17 /* delete isn key */
#define PFSYNC_ACT_DEL_IK_ACK 18 /* delete isn key ACK */
#define PFSYNC_ACT_CLR_IK 19 /* clear all isn keys */
Add to if_pfsync.h line 285:
#define PFSYNC_S_IKDACK 0x06
// One hopes there is some administrative mechanism to reserve numbers
// in this space so that patches can be applied to consecutive OpenBSD
// releases without prejudicing the compatibility of patched pfsync(4)
// implementations in consecutive releases.
struct pfsync_isn_key {
u_int64_t keyid;
u_int64_t keyseq;
u_int32_t anchor;
u_int8_t seqno;
u_int32_t isn_key;
u_int32_t timeout;
u_int32_t keytype;
u_int8_t async;
struct pf_rule_addr src;
struct pf_rule_addr dst;
uid_t uid;
gid_t gid;
u_int8_t proto;
u_int32_t creation;
u_int32_t expire;
u_int32_t creatorid;
u_int8_t sync_flags;
struct pfsync_clr_ik {
char anchor[MAXPATHLEN];
u_int32_t creatorid;
} __packed;
struct pfsync_del_ik {
u_int64_t keyid;
u_int64_t keyseq;
u_int32_t creatorid;
} __packed;
struct pfsync_del_ik_ack {
u_int64_t id;
u_int32_t creatorid;
} __packed;
Implementation conditions:
(3a) These changes only have operational effects when code in steps
12. and 13. below uses them.
(3b) Ditto.
(4) Ditto
12. Add pfsync(4) glue fns in if_pfsync.c:
(*) The following should immediately test limit[PF_LIMIT_IKS] > 0
and log and return an error otherwise, eg:
log(LOG_ERR, "if_pfsync: pfsync_isn_key_xx: isn-key tree is empty.");
return (EINVAL);
pfsync_in_isn_key_del_ack(caddr_t buf, int len, int count, int flags)
Implementation conditions:
(3a) Satisified by the condition (*)
(3b) This is absolutely necessary if the feature is to operate in
fail-over configurations where routing is effected by more than
one pfsync peer. Without this facility dynamic routing
protocols such OSPF could not be used to route around VPN
points of ingress which were under DoS attacks, for example.
(4) Test framework events corresponding to LOG messages at level
DEBUG with an event identifier. TEST:EVENT:test12.X referring
to this step.
Test framework events corresponding to receipt of TCP packets
from pfsync(4) interfaces. These could be implemented using
a bpf(4) filter attached to the test machine tunnel i/f on the
test host.
13. Add sbin/tcpdump/print-pfsync.c functions:
Add sbin/tcpdump/pf_print_isn_key.c
print_isn_key(struct pf_sync_isn_key *isn_key, int flags)
Implementation conditions:
(3a) These functions will only be called when pfsync packets with
isn-key specific subheaders are received, which is conditional on
the explicit enabling of the feature as ensured by the
relevant conditions on step 12. above.
(3b) These changes are absolutely necessary if the operation of the
pfsync features is to be observable by tcpdump(8).
(4) Test framework events corresponding to LOG messages at level
DEBUG with an event identifier. TEST:EVENT:test13.X referring
to this step.
Instrumenting tcpdump(8) with appropriate TEST:EVENT logging.
Test framework events corresponding to receipt of messages
from tcpdump(8)
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