
Monday 13 October 2014

Guerilla Logic

This is the book Alice is writing
I must admit that when I read some parts of it the wandstrassewolf says to me "Did you really type that?! You crazy fuck!" But I think some chapters ought to interest those people who are trying to learn about the world from mathematical models of it, or who, following Kennedy, are trying to change reality by changing how it appears.

See Chapter 25 "Predicting the completely unpredictable", on p84, and Chapter 21 "The logic of a crisis" on p67. But also make sure you understand Chapter 19 "The curious events of 1812" and Chapter 20, "The curious events of 1962" In fact, the whole thing is altogether a lot of very curious events!


P.S. It looks like those lovely ladies at the CIA are having to think about whether to let this one through or not, ... Ladies, remember, you don't need to repeat History lessons, because History repeats itself.

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