Monday 3 June 2019

NSA Shares Data with Israeli Intelligence

This is TLAV talking about a recent revelation. But the UK Guardian reported something like this in September 2013, and said it dated from 2009. And Der Spiegel reported BND/NSA collaboration in early 2013.
On March 14, 2013, an SSO member had reported a potentially damaging incident. "Commercial consortium personnel" had apparently discovered the program "Wharpdrive," for which SSO had tapped a fiber-optic cable. "Witting partner personnel have removed the evidence," he explained further, "and a plausible cover story was provided." According to an internal NSA document to which SPIEGEL has access, a team was quietly put together to to reinstall the program.
Whether this was all under AG Loretta Lynch's secret order or not, I don't know. See also Kevin Brock Opinion Piece on Barr and the FBI's Spying, because the illegal collaboration of Justice Depertment, The NSA and the CIA has been going on since 2003 at least, and was revealed by  Bill Binney long before Snowden was even invented.

Piecemeal reporting like this isn't getting us anywhere, because most people don't seem to be able to make the necessary connections between events. We need a proper World Wide Web which can track references both ways and do so in a manner that doesn't compromise privacy. Because the mere fact that some individual accessed, say, a certain Wikileaks page, may be enough to warrant someone having that person assassinated. We need secure communications people. It is not fair to leave me starving in the street while others make money from Patreon and whatnot, doing a shoddy job, and leaving me to tie up the loose ends. Just because "the internet works" for you assholes, doesn't mean that it works for everyone. In particular, it doesn't mean it works for people who you never heard of that had vital information, and who have been killed and dumped on rubbish tips in Chile, Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela, Costa Rica and Nicaragua. Just because reporters like Max Blumenthal don't have the guts to go to places like this anymore doesn't mean shit like this isn't going on. I can tell you that it fucking well is going on, right fucking now, and you assholes who come here as tourists would shit your pants if you saw it. See 54 secs, and 1 min 26 secs.

Who are these guys? Also tourists?

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