Sunday 16 June 2019

Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert on Trust and Gold and Crypto Currency

They still don't seem to understand the problem. They think people no longer trust the governments and central banks' ability to regulate and manage the economy. That is not the problem. The problem is rampant fraud and a consequent utter lack of faith in the future value of material and human resources. The root of this problem is the near total corruption of the systems of justice in almost every country in the world. The measure of value is not money, it is actual human knowledge. Cryptocurrency is not any more worthy of people's trust than any fiat currency is. It is just the absence of knowledge amongst the general population and people in the media that is the basis of people's trust in things like Bitcoin and gold bullion. The international gold price is being manipulated by false statistics. It is a globally rigged market, to keep prices down until the 1% have accumulated enough gold bullion to ensure they remain in control of the capital markets after the crash leaves everyone else destitute. This manipulation is criminal, and it is only because of the failure of the systems of justice worldwide that it is not being recognised as fraud.

Keynesianism gone berzerk:

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